Hey Beatlepeople!

Welcome to WYD, where I've been having a blast uploading most of my Beatlepics! I get really excited when I realize that some people (other than me) might actually see this, so please leave a comment or something to let me know what you thought! thanks! and peace* V

Sunday, May 10, 2009

John @ Shea '65

OMG I just found this pic of John and I thought it was sooooo gorgeous that I just decided to post the other ones I had only of John- he really did look great that day. Anyway, this first one is the one I found yesterday and the others I've had for a while already.

[BTW- relooking at this first one, i think its not at Shea, because he wasn't wearing his famous cap then and the sheriff star is missing from his left pocket...so this one was probably taken at the '65 NME Poll Winner's concert...sexy all the same, though] 

[BACKSTAGE... haha =)]


Anonymous said...

Never saw that first photo before - looks great!

Brigitte said...

I don´t think the first pic is from the 65 NME Poll winner concert either... but I´m going to check and I tell you!!